Closed Bug 1109866 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[UX] Redesign "A something went wrong" chat window


(Hello (Loop) :: Client, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)

backlog Fx38?


(Reporter: sevaan, Assigned: sevaan)




(3 files)

The "A something went wrong" chat window needs to be redesigned as:

a) It's a bit visually boring
b) Localized text does not fit in buttons
c) There are a number of areas for improvement.
Flags: firefox-backlog+
Iteration: --- → 37.2
Flags: qe-verify-
Proposed changes:

- I'm not sure the text saying "You can click retry or email a link..." is necessary as it is just stating what the button options are.

- The cancel button is unnecessary and takes up room. We should train people to use the Exit button.

With these changes we end up with two buttons at the bottom which should allow for more text.
Attachment #8534632 - Flags: ui-review?(mmaslaney)
If we need this in Fx35, it must be ready for implementation by tomorrow (Friday, Dec 12).
backlog: Fx35? → Fx35+
So I think we've found a way to solve the immediate problem for Fx35 in bug 1105708 and the screen redesign can happen in Fx36.
backlog: Fx35+ → Fx36+
Priority: P1 → P2
Moving P2->P3 (P3 is a "normal" bug that we want fixed for Fx36.)
Priority: P2 → P3
We fixed the fact that we couldn't display some foreign text in bug 1105708 in Fx35.  This makes it better.  Targeting for Fx38? since we won't get to this implementation before January and we're still waiting on a ui-review.
backlog: Fx36+ → Fx38?
Iteration: 37.2 → 37.3
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Iteration: 37.3 → 37.2
make sure there is an implementation bug for this UX work
Flags: needinfo?(sescalante)
adding reference in related bugs
Flags: needinfo?(sescalante)
See Also: → 1119992
Blocks: 1135602
Bug 1119992 is not really the right bug to attach this work to. I've created bug 1135602 instead which is more specific.
See Also: 1119992
Comment on attachment 8534632 [details]
Redesigned "Something went wrong" Window

Assuming ui-review is no longer necessary - if it is, please re-request & re-open bug so we can track this to completion.
Attachment #8534632 - Flags: ui-review?(mmaslaney)
Comment on attachment 8534632 [details]
Redesigned "Something went wrong" Window

Arcadio, do you have any concerns with the modification of the Hello logo here?
Attachment #8534632 - Flags: feedback?(alainez)
Hey Sevaan, 

When we reviewed with Matej we mentioned something about the frown being an inverse of the smile and it looked more like a fret than a frown. 

Di you want Lee Tom to take a look at it and suggesting a different emotion there?
Flags: needinfo?(ltom)
Sure, that would be great, thanks!
I've been chipping away at trying to make an error icon that feels like it's still a part of the Hello logo styling.  This is not final-final, but I'm to a point where I feel comfortable sharing the progress with you. LMK what you think. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(ltom)
Looking great, Lee.

Couple thoughts that may be worth playing with:

The eyes in the happy Hello logo are a little higher...maybe we should keep their position constant and just change the mouth.

Also, might be worth playing with the shape of the eyes to make them more downtrodden just to see if it adds to the sadness (may not help though).
Thanks Sevaan. I actually iterated on a few versions where the eyes either stayed in the same position and altered the shapes of the eyes. I left the eyes as circles to keep the style consistent with our logo - I think it will help the icon look good if we ever display it at a small scale too. I purposefully lowered the placement of the eyes to enhance sadness or displeasure. It's a subtle suggestion that the 'head' is lowered or dropped slightly. 

(In reply to Sevaan Franks [:sevaan] from comment #14)
> Looking great, Lee.
> Couple thoughts that may be worth playing with:
> The eyes in the happy Hello logo are a little higher...maybe we should keep
> their position constant and just change the mouth.
> Also, might be worth playing with the shape of the eyes to make them more
> downtrodden just to see if it adds to the sadness (may not help though).
Looks good then!
Sevaan, here's the icon as SVG in default Hello blue (#0c99d5) 

Let me know if you have any questions/problems with the file. Thanks!
Attachment #8534632 - Flags: feedback?(alainez)
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